Have you been feeling distant from God lately? Here are three ways to draw closer to him. The last one surprised me!
1. Read the Word of God
Jesus is literally the word made flesh! (John 1) The word should be your portion every single day. You may not feel goosebumps every time you read, but you are making a deposit. A well of living water that will grow you, encourage you, and even help you pour into others. The bible says that the Word of God is alive and active! It begins to take root in you and will stand the test of time and trial.
2. Spend time with Him alone.
One of the things I do when I’m spending time with God alone is I put on soaking worship music. (To find this music, simply type “soaking worship music” on YouTube.) To start, begin by thanking the Lord for those things you often take for granted: your spouse, your child(ren), the health of your body, your job, home, food, security, Jesus’s sacrifice, etc. Then, afterward, talk to Him about whatever is on your heart. There is no formula. Do whatever you feel led to do. Some days you may just sit or lay there quietly and listen to what the Lord has to say. He says, “Be still, and know that I am God”. (Psalm 46:10 NIV)
3. Walk in your purpose
This may be something you’ve never thought about before, but it’s something that I’ve discovered recently. Sometimes people think the only way to draw near to God is in a quiet room. For so long I’ve known that God has blessed me with the ability to write words that can impact a reader. I’ve always been able to communicate my heart so much better when I write things down. This gift has been in me, but I was only using it for my personal journaling, the occasional holiday or birthday card, or letters to family members. It wasn’t until my husband continued to reveal to me that this was a gift that God wanted to use to help others. What a revelation that was for me. As I began to blog and post, I kid you not, I honestly felt this closeness with God that I hadn’t felt for quite some time. I believe I know why—because I am doing what He called me to do. I am sharing the Gospel and reminding people of who they are in Christ through this gift, and this pleases the Lord! “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13 NIV) Imagine the excitement God gets when we allow Him to operate through us because we have surrendered our will and decided to walk in His.
Original post date: 07/16/2019
Edited: 08/27/2024